/* conjunction to end a compound sentence */ " and" = " in"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "%@" = "%@"; /* Account Name (Connecting) - shown for an account while it is connecting */ "%@ (Connecting)" = "%@ (povezovanje)"; /* This is displayed in the message window when prompting to receive a file. The first %@ is the sender; the second %@ is the filename of the file being sent. It will be followed by buttons such as 'Save' and 'Cancel'. */ "%@ requests to send you %@" = "%1$@ vam hoče poslati %2$@"; /* Message displayed when a contact sends a buzz/nudge/other notification */ "%@ wants your attention!" = "%@ si želi vaše pozornosti!"; /* comma between actions in the events list */ "," = ","; /* period at the end of the Events pane sentence describing actions taken for an event */ "." = "."; /* Colon which will be appended after a label such as 'User Name', before an input field */ ":" = ":"; /* please keep the semicolon at the start of the line. %@ will be replaced by a status message. This is used when reading an entry in the contact list aloud, such as 'Evan Schoenberg; status message I am bouncing up and down' */ "; status message %@" = "; sporočilo stanja %@"; /* Placeholder displayed as the name of a new account */ "" = ""; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "\"%@\" is already in use." = "\"%@\" je že uporabljen."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Account:" = "Račun:"; /* Label for contact alert action (e.g. Send message, Play sound, etc.) */ "Action:" = "Dejanje:"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Add Account" = "Dodaj račun"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Add an action for the selected event" = "Dodaj dejanje za izbrani dogodek"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Adium provides encryption, authentication, deniability, and perfect forward secrecy over %@ via Off-the-Record Messaging (OTR). If your contact is not using an OTR-compatible messaging system, your contact will be sent a link to the OTR web site when you attempt to connect. For more information on OTR, visit http://www.cypherpunks.ca/otr/." = "Adium podpira šifriranje, preverjanje pristnosti, zavrnljivost in popolno skrivnostnost prek %@ s sporočanjem brez zapisovanja (OTR - Off-the-Record). Če vaš stik ne uporablja s sistemom OTR kompatibilnega sporočanja, mu poslana povezava na spletno stran OTR, ko se boste skušali povezati z njim. Za več informacij o OTR obiščite http://www.cypherpunks.ca/otr/."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Alias:" = "Vzdevek:"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Cancel" = "Prekliči"; /* Cancel current account activity prefix */ "Cancel: %@" = "Prekliči: %@"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Cannot open sound set" = "Zvočnega nabora ni mogoče odpreti"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Clear" = "Počisti"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Configure the selected action" = "Prilagodi izbrano dejanje"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Connect All Accounts" = "Poveži vse račune"; /* Connect account prefix */ "Connect: %@" = "Poveži: %@"; /* %@ will be the name of a group in the contact list */ "contact group %@" = "Stopi v stik s skupino %@"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Continue" = "Nadaljuj"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Custom" = "Po meri"; /* Button which deletes the selection */ "Delete" = "Izbriši"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Delete Account" = "Izbriši račun"; /* New contact alert pane */ "Delete after event occurs" = "Izbriši po dogodku"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Delete Event?" = "Želite izbrisati dogodek?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Delete the account %@?" = "Želite izbrisati račun %@?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Disable" = "Onemogoči"; /* %@ will be the name of a plugin. This is the title of the dialogue shown when an unknown plugin is loaded */ "Disable %@?" = "Želite onemogočiti %@?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Disabled Accounts" = "Onemogočeni računi"; /* Disconnect account prefix */ "Disconnect: %@" = "Prekini povezavo: %@"; /* Button which indicates that the editing sheet is done */ "Done" = "Opravljeno"; /* Button which duplicates the selection */ "Duplicate" = "Podvoji"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Edit Account" = "Uredi račun"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Edit Link" = "Uredi povezavo"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Edit presets:" = "Uredi prednastavitve:"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Enable" = "Omogoči"; /* Enable account prefix */ "Enable %@" = "Omogoči %@"; /* Label besides the encryption preference menu */ "Encryption:" = "Kodiranje:"; /* Label for contact alert event (e.g. Contact signed on, Message received, etc.) */ "Event:" = "Dogodek:"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "External plugins may cause crashes and odd behavior after updating Adium. Disable this plugin if you experience any issues." = "Zunanji vtičniki lahko povzročijo čudno vedenje po posodobitvi Adiuma. Onemogočite ta vtičnik, če bo prišlo do težav."; /* %@ will be the name of a bookmark */ "group chat bookmark %@" = "Zaznamek skupinskega klepeta %@"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Idle" = "Nedejaven"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Invalid status icon pack" = "Neveljaven nabor ikon stanja"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Join" = "Pridruži se"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Join Chat" = "Pridruži se klepetu"; /* Text of the typing preference checkbox in the account preferneces */ "Let others know when you are typing" = "Drugi naj vedo, kdaj tipkate"; /* Label for the login server field in the account preferences */ "Login Server:" = "Prijavni strežnik:"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "New Alert" = "Novo opozorilo"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "No compatible accounts connected" = "Povezan ni noben soroden račun"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "OK" = "V redu"; /* Label for the password field in the account preferences */ "Password:" = "Geslo:"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Paste" = "Prilepi"; /* Label for the port field in the account preferences */ "Port:" = "Vrata:"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Remove the %i actions associated with this event?" = "Želite s tem dogodkom odstraniti tudi %i povezanih dejanj?"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Remove the selected action(s)" = "Odstrani izbrana dejanja"; /* Button which renames the selection */ "Rename" = "Preimenuj"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Sound set upgrade failed" = "Posodobitev nabora zvokov ni uspela"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "The active status icon pack \"%@\" installed at \"%@\" is invalid. It is missing the required status icon \"%@\". If you received this pack from adiumxtras.com, please contact its author. Your status icon setting will be restored to the default." = "Nabor ikon aktivnih stanj \"%1$@\", nameščen v \"%2$@\" ni veljaven. Manjka mu potrebna ikona stanja \"%3$@\". Če ste prejeli ta paket na naslovu adiumxtras.com, stopite v stik z njegovim avtorjem. Vaša nastavitev ikon stanja bo obnovljena na privzeto vrednost."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "The characters you're entering are not valid for an account name on this service." = "Znaki, ki jih vnašate, niso veljavni v imenu računa te storitve."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "The sound set %@ is version %i, and this version of Adium does not know how to handle that; perhaps try a later version of Adium." = "Zvočni nabor %1$@ je različice %2$i, ta različica Adiuma z njim ne zna ravnati; morda poskusite z novejšo različico Adiuma."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "This version of Adium uses a new format for sound sets. Adium was not able to update the sound set %@ located at %@. It has been disabled." = "Ta različica Adiuma uporablja nov zapis za nabore zvokov. Adium ni mogel posodobiti zvočnega nabora %1$@, ki se nahaja na %2$@. Zato je bil ta onemogočen."; /* Label in front of the title for a preset */ "Title:" = "Naslov:"; /* Label beside the 'let others know when you are typing' checkbox in the account preferences */ "Typing:" = "Tipkanje:"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Unknown" = "Neznano"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "User Name" = "Uporabniško ime"; /* Displayed in an open chat when its account has been connected */ "You have connected" = "Povezali ste se"; /* Displayed in an open chat when its account has been disconnected. */ "You have disconnected" = "Prekinili ste povezavo"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Your attention is requested!" = "Potrebna je vaša pozornost!";