/* * Adium is the legal property of its developers, whose names are listed in the copyright file included * with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #import #import #import #define KEY_AB_UNIQUE_ID @"AB Unique ID" @class ABPerson; @interface AIListContact : AIListObject { AIAccount *account; NSString *remoteGroupName; NSString *internalUniqueObjectID; } - (id)initWithUID:(NSString *)inUID account:(AIAccount *)inAccount service:(AIService *)inService; - (id)initWithUID:(NSString *)inUID service:(AIService *)inService; - (void)setRemoteGroupName:(NSString *)inName; - (NSString *)remoteGroupName; - (void)setUID:(NSString *)inUID; - (AIAccount *)account; - (NSString *)internalUniqueObjectID; + (NSString *)internalUniqueObjectIDForService:(AIService *)inService account:(AIAccount *)inAccount UID:(NSString *)inUID; - (void)restoreGrouping; - (AIListGroup *)parentGroup; - (AIListContact *)parentContact; - (NSString *)ownDisplayName; - (NSString *)ownPhoneticName; - (NSString *)serversideDisplayName; - (BOOL)canContainOtherContacts; - (BOOL)containsMultipleContacts; - (BOOL)canJoinMetaContacts; - (BOOL)isIntentionallyNotAStranger; - (void)setIsMobile:(BOOL)isMobile notify:(NotifyTiming)notify; - (void)setOnline:(BOOL)online notify:(NotifyTiming)notify silently:(BOOL)silent; - (void)setSignonDate:(NSDate *)signonDate notify:(NotifyTiming)notify; - (NSDate *)signonDate; - (void)setIsBlocked:(BOOL)yesOrNo updateList:(BOOL)addToPrivacyLists; - (void)setIsAllowed:(BOOL)yesOrNo updateList:(BOOL)addToPrivacyLists; - (void)setIsOnPrivacyList:(BOOL)yesOrNo updateList:(BOOL)addToPrivacyLists privacyType:(AIPrivacyType)privType; - (void)setIdle:(BOOL)isIdle sinceDate:(NSDate *)idleSinceDate notify:(NotifyTiming)notify; - (void)setServersideIconData:(NSData *)iconData notify:(NotifyTiming)notify; - (void)setWarningLevel:(int)warningLevel notify:(NotifyTiming)notify; - (int)warningLevel; - (void)setProfileArray:(NSArray *)array notify:(NotifyTiming)notify; - (void)setProfile:(NSAttributedString *)profile notify:(NotifyTiming)notify; - (NSArray *)profileArray; - (NSAttributedString *)profile; - (void)setServersideAlias:(NSString *)alias silently:(BOOL)silent; - (NSAttributedString *)contactListStatusMessage; - (NSWritingDirection)baseWritingDirection; - (void)setBaseWritingDirection:(NSWritingDirection)direction; - (ABPerson *)addressBookPerson; - (void)setAddressBookPerson:(ABPerson *)inPerson; @end