/* No comment provided by engineer. */ "%1.0lf seconds" = "%1.0lf sekund"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "%i days" = "%i dni"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "%i hours" = "%i godzin"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "%i minutes" = "%i minut"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "%i weeks" = "%i tygodni"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "1 day" = "1 dzień"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "1 hour" = "1 godzina"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "1 minute" = "1 minuta"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "1 second" = "1 sekunda"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "1 week" = "1 tydzień"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "<>" = "<>"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Add" = "Dodaj"; /* Copy the link to the clipboard */ "Copy Link" = "Kopiuj odnośnik"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Custom..." = "Własne..."; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Delete" = "Usuń"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Image Picker" = "Wybierz obrazek"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Invalid Input" = "Nieprawidłowe dane"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "OK" = "OK"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Picture" = "Obrazek"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "Select Image" = "Wybierz obrazek"; /* No comment provided by engineer. */ "The systemwide proxy configuration specified via the Network System Preferences depends upon reading a PAC (Proxy Automatic Confiruation) file from %@. This information can not be used at this time; to connect, please obtain proxy information from your network administrator and use it manually." = "Systemowa konfiguracja proxy, ustawiona w Preferencjach systemu w panelu Sieć, bazuje na odczytaniu pliku PAC (Proxy Automatic Configuration) z %@. Nie można teraz skorzystać z tych danych. Aby uzyskać połączenie, uzyskaj dane serwera proxy od administratora sieci i wprowadź je ręcznie."; /* Title of the alert shown when the system proxy configuration can not be determined */ "Unable to read proxy information" = "Nie można odczytać informacji o proxy";