root/Trunk/AIUtilities.framework/Versions/A/Headers/NSCalendarDate+ISO8601Parsing.h @ 2

Revision 2, 2.0 KB (checked in by jon, 16 years ago)

Initial commit of skeletal project.

2 *
3 *Created by Peter Hosey on 2006-02-20.
4 *Copyright 2006 Peter Hosey. All rights reserved.
5 */
7#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
9/*This addition parses ISO 8601 dates. A good introduction: <>
10 *
11 *Parsing can be done strictly, or not. When you parse loosely, leading whitespace is ignored, as is anything after the date.
12 *The loose parser will return an NSCalendarDate for this string: @" \t\r\n\f\t  2006-03-02!!!"
13 *Leading non-whitespace will not be ignored; the string will be rejected, and nil returned. See the README that came with this addition.
14 *
15 *The strict parser will only accept a string if the date is the entire string. The above string would be rejected immediately, solely on these grounds.
16 *Also, the loose parser provides some extensions that the strict parser doesn't.
17 *For example, the standard says for "-DDD" (an ordinal date in the implied year) that the logical representation (meaning, hierarchically) would be "--DDD", but because that extra hyphen is "superfluous", it was omitted.
18 *The loose parser will accept the extra hyphen; the strict parser will not.
19 *A full list of these extensions is in the README file.
20 */
22//The default separator for time values. Currently, this is ':'.
23extern unichar ISO8601ParserDefaultTimeSeparatorCharacter;
25@interface NSCalendarDate(ISO8601Parsing)
27//This method is the one that does all the work. All the others are convenience methods.
28+ (NSCalendarDate *)calendarDateWithString:(NSString *)str strictly:(BOOL)strict getRange:(out NSRange *)outRange;
29+ (NSCalendarDate *)calendarDateWithString:(NSString *)str strictly:(BOOL)strict;
31//Strictly: NO.
32+ (NSCalendarDate *)calendarDateWithString:(NSString *)str timeSeparator:(unichar)timeSep getRange:(out NSRange *)outRange;
33+ (NSCalendarDate *)calendarDateWithString:(NSString *)str timeSeparator:(unichar)timeSep;
34+ (NSCalendarDate *)calendarDateWithString:(NSString *)str getRange:(out NSRange *)outRange;
35+ (NSCalendarDate *)calendarDateWithString:(NSString *)str;
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